Paewai Shearing
Devonborough Downs
Devonborough Downs is a vast property of over 70,000 acres located across the border in South Australia. Owners Jimmy and Sarah Smith have been working the property for the last five years and have grown the sheep numbers from 2,800 to over 4,000 in as little as three years.
Jimmy got started in the industry working for family and other stockmen as well as spent some time driving trucks and working in mining to try and save money to purchase a property and get a good start. The Devonborough Downs property became available at the right time and the family purchase the property and began their new life.
When it comes to a shearing team, Jimmy expects at a bare minimum 30 minute smokos, 1 hour lunch breaks and a full 8 hours work day every day. He also agrees with the Paewai Shearing no drugs policy and expects to see a lack of drug usage.
Jimmy works hard to ensure things are prepared and organised for the shearing team and expects to keep the sheep stock up ready for the shearers so the job can keep moving forward at a good pace.
Devonborough Downs